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FabLab (Brockville Public Library) Capacity: 5



Note: The FabLab is currently closed until further notice. We will re-open as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

The FabLab is Brockville Public Library's bookable maker space, where you can:

SEW your own clothing and other textile projects with our Singer sewing machines

PRESS customized buttons, magnets and zipper pulls

CUSTOMIZE bags, clothing, mugs and more with our Cricut vinyl cutter

BEDAZZLE clothing and accessories with rhinestones

DESIGN and print with our 3D printer

BPL will make every effort to maintain the equipment in the FabLab, but occasionally items will be unavailable due to required maintenance, repairs or replacement. Please note that you can be billed for lost, damaged or misused equipment. Users will also be required to pay small cost-recovery fees for use of our materials, including vinyl, buttons and 3D printing materials (see below for details).

By using the Makerspace at the Brockville Public Library, users agree that they are aware of the risks and hazards inherent in the use of this facility and their participation in the activites and voluntarily, knowingly and frely assume all risks associated with participating in these activities. Read the full FabLab User Agreement here.

Material Pricing


  • 1in magnet: $1
  • 1in zipper pull: $1
  • 2in button: $1
  • 1in buttons: 2 for $1
  • 1.5in buttons: 2 for $1


Use of the Cricut machine is free with your own design materials.

  • 30cm x 30cm vinyl mat: $10 
  • 15cm x 30cm vinyl mat: $5 

Sewing Machines:

Please bring your own materials for free use of our sewing machines. 

3D Printer:

For the safety of the machine, only library-provided materials can be used. 

Already know how to do 3D print modelling? Email your design file to with any necessary project specifications and we will print for you and arrange for pickup!

  • 15¢ per gram of filament

Request a timeslot in the FabLab using the booking grid below. Staff will then approve or deny your request based on staff and equipment availability, making every effort to accommodate your request.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding